Dr. Jeppe von Platz
Jeppe's research focuses on political philosophy, political economy, and the history of philosophy. He has published on questions of distributive justice, the status of economic rights, just war theory, how we should respond to systemic injustices, and Kant¿s practical philosophy. He is currently working on questions of distributive justice and the articulation and defense of a social democratic theory of justice.
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Grants and Fellowships
Benjamin Franklin Graduate Fellowship, University of Pennsylvania, 2006-07, 2008-09, 2010-11.
Thanks to Scandinavia Fellowship, 2007-08.
Beard Scholarship, University of Tennessee, Fall 2005.
Herman E. Spivey Fellowship, University of Tennessee, 2004-05.
American Philosophical Association Fred Berger Memorial Prize 2008. Awarded for the best paper in philosophy of law published in 2006-2007. I share this prize with David A. Reidy for our article "The Structural Diversity of Historical Injustices."
Graduate Student Travel Award, American Philosophical Association, Central Division Meeting 2006, Pacific Division Meeting, 2009, Pacific Division Meeting, 2011.
*=refereed conference; ^=invited talk
^ "Bloody Modality," comment on James S. Taylor's book manuscript Bloody Morality, at the Institute for Humane Studies workshop, April 2020.
* "The Principle of Merit and the Capital-Labor Split," the PPE Society Conference, March 2020.
* "Economic Justice and the Relation between Private and Public Right in Kant¿s Doctrine of Right," The 13th International Kant Congress, Oslo, August 2019. Also presented at the PPE Society Conference, March 2020
*"In Defense of Welfare State Capitalism," Philosophy, and Economics Society Meeting, New Orleans, March 2019.
^"Gifts and Gratitude: On the Ethics of Gift-Acceptance," Philosophy, and Economics Society Meeting, New Orleans, March 2019.
^"Towards a Kantian Theory of Economic Justice," Meeting of the North American Kant Society at the American Philosophical Association Eastern Division Meeting, New York, January 2019.
^"Alienation as a Political Concept," Harvard Economic Justice Workshop, May 2018. Also presented at The Canadian Philosophical Association Meeting in Montreal, June 2018.
*"Socialism vs. Social Democracy: Capitalism and the Problem of Alienation," the Politics, Philosophy, and Economics Society Meeting, New Orleans, March 2018.
*"What is the Social Democratic Alternative?," the Politics, Philosophy, and Economics Society Meeting, New Orleans, March 2017.
^"Kantian Fairness," the Politics, Philosophy, and Economics Society Meeting, New Orleans, March 2017
^"A Truly Kantian Theory of Distributive Justice," Colloquium on Kant¿s Practical Philosophy, Brandeis University, June 2016.
^"Robin Hood Justice," MIT, Political Philosophy Colloquium, March 2016.
*"Social Cooperation and Economic Rights: A Rawlsian Route to Social Democracy," at American Philosophical Association, Central Division Meeting, Chicago, March 2016. Previously presented at The Political Theory Project, Brown University, April 2015.
^"A Savage Made: Rousseau on the Aims and Methods of Negative Education," Philosophy of Education in Early Modern Philosophy, University of Pennsylvania, October 2015.
*"Kant and the Question of Economic Inequality," XII International Kant Congress, Vienna, September 2015.
*"Basic Economic Rights: Work, Education, and Healthcare," IVR Conference, Washington DC, July 2015.
*"A Rawlsian Theory of Basic Economic Rights," Felician Ethics Conference, Felician College, April 2015.
^"Contractualism and Economic Liberty," The Political Theory Project, Brown University, March 2014.
*"The Basic Liberties Revisited," American Philosophical Association, Central Division Meeting, Chicago, February 2014.
^"From Justice to Fairness: Does Kant¿s Doctrine of Right Imply a Theory of Distributive Justice?," presented at Kant on Nature and Freedom, Brown University, October 2013. (Co-authored with Jerome Michael Nance; authorship was equally shared between us.)
*"Singularity without Equivalence: on the relations between the formulae of the categorical imperative in GroundworkII," Second Biennial Meeting of the North American Kant Society, Cornell University, May 2013.
*"The Metaphysics of Vice," Eastern Division Meeting of the North American Kant Association, Princeton, March 2012.
^"Are Economic Liberties Basic Rights?," Political Philosophy Workshop, Brown University, February 2012.
Institutional Service
University Service – University of Richmond
PPEL Program Coordinator, Fall 2021-
Chair of the University Library Committee, Fall 2020-Spring 2021
Member of the Concept 30 Ad-Hoc Committee, Fall 2020-Spring 2021
Member of the Ethics and Information Technology working group, spring semester of 2020.
PPEL governing group member and member of the faculty advisory board, fall of 2017-
Ethics Working Group member 2017-
Library Committee member, fall of 2018-2021
Member of the Curricular Planning subcommittee, 2018/19.
Invited guest speaker and co-teacher, Bill Edmundson (Georgia State)
Invited guest speaker and co-teacher, Samuel Arnold (TCU)
Invited guest speaker and co-teacher, David A. Reidy (UTK)
To the Profession
Book manuscript reviewer for Routledge.
Book manuscript reviewer for Cambridge University Press.
Article referee for Synthese, Ethics, Politics Philosophy, and Economics, Journal of Social Philosophy, Journal of International Relations and Development, Kantian Review, European Journal of Political Theory, Res Publica, Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy, The Journal of Politics.
Co-Organizer of Studies in the History of Economic Justice: Kant, Fichte, and Marx panel at the PPE Society Meeting, New Orleans, March 2020
Co-Organizer of Just Wages panel at the PPE Society Meeting, New Orleans, March 2020.
Organizer of Justice as Fairness and the Choice of Economic System panel at the PPE Society Meeting, New Orleans, March 2019.
Organizer of Socialism panel at the PPE Society Meeting, New Orleans, March 2018.
Organizer of A Theory of Truces, conference held at Suffolk University, April 2016.
Organizer of Special Workshop: “The Idea of Basic Liberties”, IVR 2015 Conference, Washington DC, July 2015.
Organizer of conference: Self-Knowledge, Self-Deception, and Self-Conceit, Suffolk University, November 2013.
Co-organizer with Fred Rauscher, Kate Moran, and Mike Nance of the conference, Kant on Nature and Freedom, Brown University, October 2013, http://www.natureandfreedom.org/
Reviewer for the Third Biennial Meeting of the North American Kant Society, 2016.
Co-organizer with Patrick Frierson, Dasha Polzik, and Rafeeq Hasan of Author Meets Critic Session, on Joshua Cohen A Free Community of Equals (OUP, 2010) and Frederick Neuhouser Rousseau’s Theodicy of Self-Love: Evil, Rationality, and the Drive for Recognition (OUP, 2008) at the Pacific Meeting of the American Philosophical Association, San Diego, April 2011.
Co-organizer of the conference Kant’s Vision of Peace, Copenhagen, 2006.
Co-creator, fundraiser, and organizer of conferences for the Network on Ethics and Justice in the Community of Nations, 2004-2006.
Grants and Fellowships
Selected Publications
Theories of Distributive Justice: Who Gets What and Why (Routledge, 2020).
Journal ArticlesThe Principle of Merit and the Capital-Labor Split." >Economics and Philosophy, Volume 38, Issue 1, March 2022, pp . 1-23.
"The Injustice of Alienation." Social Theory and Practice, Volume 47, Issue 2, April 2021, pp. 397-424.
"Democratic Equality and the Justification of Welfare-State Capitalism." Ethics, An International Journal of Social, Political, and Legal Philosophy, Vol. 131 (1), October 2020, pp. 4-33.
"Free Time, Freedom, and Fairness." Law, Ethics, and Philosophy, Vol. 5, 2017, pp. 47-62.
"Democratic Rights and the Choice of Economic Systems." Analyse & Kritik, Vol. 39, 2, 2017, pp. 405-412.
"Person to Person: A Note on the Ethics of Commodification." Journal of Value Inquiry, Vol. 51, 2017, pp. 647-653.
"Social Cooperation and Basic Economic Rights: A Rawlsian Route to Social Democracy." Journal of Social Philosophy, vol. 47, 3, fall 2016, pp. 288-308.
"Robin Hood Justice: Why Robin Hood Took from the Rich and Gave to the Poor (and We Should Too)." Public Affairs Quarterly, vol. 3, 2, April 2016, pp. 149-170.
"Singularity without Equivalence: The Complex Unity of Kant¿s Categorical Imperative." The Journal of Value Inquiry, 50, 2016, pp. 369-384.
"The Ideal of Peace and the Morality of War." Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory, vol. 62, No. 145, 2015, pp. 23-42.
"Eight Questions for Deligiorgi¿s Interpretation of Kant's Theory of Autonomy." Critique: A Philosophical Review Bulletin, Onos, Schulting, and Verburgt eds., Issue 6, October 2014.
"Are Economic Liberties Basic Rights?" Politics, Philosophy, and Economics, vol. 13 (1), 2013, pp. 23-44.
"Absolute Freedom of Contract: Grotian Lessons for Libertarians." Critical Review, vol. 25 (1), 2013, pp. 107-119.
"Negative Perfectionism." Philosophy & Public Issues, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2012, pp. 101-122.
"Reasonable Disagreement and Metaphysical Immodesty: A Comment on Talbott's Which Rights Should be Universal." Human Rights Review, vol. 9, no. 2, June 2008.
"The Structural Diversity of Historical Injustices." co-authored with David A. Reidy, in Rahoul Kumar and Kok-Chor Tan eds., Journal of Social Philosophy: Special Issue on Reparations, vol. XXXVII, 3, pp. 360-376, Fall 2006.
Book Chapters"Social Democracy." The Routledge Handbook of PPE, Chris Melenowsky ed., forthcoming with Routledge.
"On the Relation between Private and Public Right." The Court of Reason, Proceedings of the 13th International Kant Congress, Beatrix Himmelmann and Camilla Serck-Hanssen eds., De Gruyter, October 2021.
"Rawls's Underestimation of the Importance of Economic Agency and Economic Rights." John Rawls: Debating the Major Questions, Sarah Roberts-Cady & Jon Mandle eds., Oxford University Press, 2020.
"From Justice to Fairness: Does Kant's Doctrine of Right Imply a Theory of Distributive Justice?" co-authored with Mike Nance, in K. Moran ed. Kant on Spontaneity and Freedom. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2018.
"Kant and the Problem of Economic Inequality." in V. L. Waibel and M. Ruffing eds. Natur und Freiheit. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2018.
"Principles of Distributive Justice." in D. Boonin ed. Palgrave Handbook of Philosophy and Public Policy, Palgrave MacMillan, September 2018.
"Liberalism and Economic Liberty." co-authored with John Tomasi, in S. Wall & C. Kukathas eds. The Cambridge Companion to Liberalism. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2015.
"The Metaphysics of Vice: Kant and the Problem of Moral Freedom." in Muchnik and Thorndike eds. Rethinking Kant, Vol. 4. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015.
"Freedom as Both Fact and Postulate." in S. Bacin, A. Ferrarin, C. La Rocca, and M. Ruffing eds. Kant und die Philosophie in weltbuürgerliche Absicht. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2013.
Larry D. Kramer, The People Themselves: Popular Constitutionalism and Judicial Review, Oxford University Press, 2005. Journal of Value Inquiry, 40, 1, March 2006, pp 129-135.
Additional PublicationsEntries on "The Metaphysics of Morals" (co-authored with Kate Moran), "Perfect Duties" (co-authored with Kate Moran), "Tyrant," "Sovereign," and "Despotism" for The Cambridge Kant Lexicon, Julian Wuerth ed., Cambridge University Press, 2021.
Leading essay in the PPE Discussion at PEA Soup: "Gerald Gaus's Self-Organizing Moral Systems," November 2019.
"The Veil of Ignorance in Rawlsian Theory." in F. Moghaddam ed. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Political Behavior. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publishing, June 2017.
Entries on "Right, Concept of," "Facts, general," and "Freeman, Samuel," in The Cambridge Rawls Lexicon, J. Mandle & D. Reidy eds. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2015.
"Reply to Our Critics." APA Newsletter on Philosophy and Law, spring 2010, pp. 10-12, co-authored with David A. Reidy.
"Outline of the Field of Reparative Justice." APA Newsletter on Philosophy and Law, spring 2010, pp. 1-4; co-authored with David A. Reidy.
"Faith in Reason: Questioning Practical Reason as Fact, Norm, End, and Function of Human Rights." in Andres Ollero ed. Human Rights and Ethics, Proceedings of the 22nd IVR World Congress. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2007.
ReviewsThomas Mulligan, Justice and the Meritocratic State, Routledge, 2018. Journal of Moral Philosophy, Vol. 16, 5, 2019, pp. 675-678.
Reidar Maliks, Kant's Politics in Context, Oxford University Press, 2014. Kantian Review, 20, 3, November 2015, pp. 492-497.
David James, Rousseau and German Idealism: Freedom, Dependence, and Necessity, Cambridge University Press, 2013. Kantian Review, 20, 1, March 2015, pp. 155-162.
"Eight Questions for Deligiorgi's Interpretation of Kant's Theory of Autonomy." Critique: A Philosophical Review Bulletin, Onos, Schulting, and Verburgt eds., Issue 6, October 2014.
Katerina Deligiorgi, The Scope of Autonomy: Kant and the Morality of Freedom, Oxford University Press, 2012, Mind, 123 (491), October 2014, pp. 886-891.
Karl Ameriks, Kant¿s Elliptical Path, Oxford University Press, 2012. Kantian Review, Vol. 19, 1, March 2014, pp. 165-171.
Oliver Sensen (ed.), Kant on Moral Autonomy, Cambridge University Press, 2013. Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, June 2013.
Henry E. Allison, Kant's Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals: A Commentary, Oxford University Press, 2011. Kantian Review, 18, 2, July 2013, pp. 317-322.
John Rawls, Lectures on the History of Political Philosophy, by, S. Freeman ed. Harvard University Press, 2007. Journal of Value Inquiry, 43, 1, March 2009, pp. 97-101.
Jürgen Habermas, Time of Transitions, Polity Press, 2006, and The Divided West, Polity Press, 2006. Agora, 2008, 2.
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